Founding conference (2011)

On June 28th and 29th, 2011, 170 representatives - from 13 country delegations and more than 75 organizations - assembled at the World Health Organization headquarters in Geneva for the Global Positioning and Harmonization Conference of the People that Deliver Initiative (PtD).

Building on the results of preliminary field research, country presentations, lessons from other fields, and broad-based discussion, participants agreed that there is need for a global initiative focused on human resources for supply chain management, committed to work together towards the common goal of sustainable workforce excellence for health supply chain management, described the specific contributions they would make, and provided consensus guidance on priority interventions and needed governance structures for the Initiative.

Seventy-nine institutions agreed to the Conference Statement of Commitment to Action, pledging their support and action to achieve the shared goal of PtD. The Conference marked a major transition for PtD - from building a coalition with a shared vision to implementing activities to achieve that vision.

Conference Documents:

Conference Presentations and Recordings:


Plenary Session 1A – Describing the Challenge (Audio Recording)

People that Deliver Conference Goals and Desired Outcomes
Mr. John Skibiak, Director, Reproductive Health Supplies Coalition (RHSC)

Burkina FasoProfessionnaliser la gestion de la chaîne logistique pour améliorer les performances des systèmes de santé
Pr Adama TRAORE, Ministry of Health, Burkina Faso; presented by Mr. Benoît Silve, Director, Bioforce Institute, on his behalf

UNICEF – Emergence of Humanitarian Logistics Profession Lessons and Context
Mr. Paul Molinaro, Senior Manager for Change and Development, UNICEF Supply Division

Plenary Session 1B – Describing the Challenge from the Country Perspective (Audio Recording)

People that Deliver Landscape Analysis and Research
Ms. Kimberly Bardy, Research Committee Chair for People that Deliver Initiative, and Supply Chain Adviser, U.S. Agency for International Development

EthiopiaOpportunities, Innovations, Needs and Challenges Ethiopia Faces in Human Resources for Supply Chain Management
Ms. Ribka Mekonnen Logistics Management Information System Advisor, Pharmaceutical Fund Supply Agency, Ethiopia; and Ms. Woinshet Nigatu, Technical Director Commodity Security, USAID | DELIVER PROJECT, Ethiopia

NamibiaSupply Chain HR Situation
Ms. Jennie Lates, Deputy Director of Pharmaceutical Services, Ministry of Health and Social Services, Namibia

Plenary Session 1C – Improving the Availability of Qualified Supply Chain Managers (Audio Recording)

LiberiaForming a Dedicated Supply Chain Management Unit to Strengthen Supply Chain Integration and Performance
Mr. Luke Rooney, Supply Chain Analyst, Clinton Health Access Initiative, Liberia; and Mr. J. Julius Janafo, Acting Supply Chain Manager, Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, Liberia

MozambiqueWho are the People Running the Supply Chain? Human Resources for Logistics Storage and Transportation of commodities from the Central Level
Dr. Martinho Dgedge, National Director of Human Resources, Ministry of Health, Mozambique; and Mr. Paulo Nhaducue, Director, Central Medical Stores, Mozambique

USAIDImproving the Demand for and Retention of Health Supply Chain Personnel
Ms. Barbara Stilwell, Director of Technical Leadership, IntraHealth International

IndonesiaLeveraging Private Sector Expertise to Improve Supply Chain Management within the Ministry of Health
Dr. H. Muhamad Subuh, Director, Directorate of Directly Transmitted Disease Control, Ministry of Health, Indonesia; and Mr. Steven Harsono, CHAI, Indonesia

Plenary Session 1D – Improving demand for and retention of qualified supply chain managers (Audio Recording)

ELRHAProfessionalization Project
Mr. Jess Camburn, Director, ELRHA

WHO AFRO / HRHEnjeux de la Professionnalisation du Métier de Logisticien en Afrique
Dr. Avocksouma Djona, WHO AFRO/ HRH

Rwanda Pre-service Education in Supply Chain Management for Pharmacy Workforce
M. Thomas Bizimana, Department of Pharmacy, National University of Rwanda


People that DeliverBreakout Groups: Demand & Retention

People that DeliverBreakout Groups: Improving Availability of Qualified SCM Personnel

People that DeliverBreakout Groups: How We Move Forward?